Monday, December 10, 2007


I really feel the pinch, especially at night. I miss my Hubby and I also miss the hustle and bustle of Mnahattan's Chinatown. Every day I would go around the shops and look around for fresh fruit and veg. I can't even cook my noodle soup the same way as we can't get the veggies locally. I have to bus it to a Chinese shop and now the weather is so cold here it si not very convenient. The place is so lively and full of sights and sounds that you don't feel lonely or bored. Night time was a great time for us to take romanitc walks and eat Canoli cake whilst watching the Chinese soap operas on the communal telly in the Cafe, along with Hong Kong Cha. Those days were fun and I am sad today knowing that it will be months of a hard slog before I can enjoy that again. This is what I like about blogging..I can just sprawl my thoughts on paper, like sand rushing to meet the sea and all it needs to do is just be there..

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