Sunday, December 7, 2008

A new Dawn.

I haven't posted here for a while due to traveling but I am back now and want to continue and build this blog up to what it used to be. I have just turned vegetarian and am enjoying many Buddhist stories about various Buddhist Saints and their exploits which are quite fascinating and one in particular Arya Avalokite is a veyr popular Bodhisattva and to the Chinese He is identified as KWAN SHI YIN PUSA, as when he came back to Earth to help everyone again he appeared to the Chinese as a girl called Miao Shan which means 'much goodness'.

Here is a lovely DHARANI that is all about Avalokite and I hope you can enjoy the music as much as I do. I have many versions of this in Chinese, Vietnamese and Sanskrit renditions and they are all lovely. There is even an upbeat disco version which has become very popular with Buddhists around the World, especially the younger ones.
Please enjoy.

Great Compassionate Heart Dharani

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

its good to hear news from you again..

2 years since I last visited mylot and I decided to backread mylot messages...

I remember those days where I'm struggling to earn something online.. hehehe now I have around 10 sites and going stronger..

if you have time.. visit my site:

you have known me from this >> lestat_m

regards, and have a nice day