Sunday, March 9, 2008

Chinese costume..Han Fu..

I find Chinese dress extremely elegant and very refined. I would have loved to have lived in a time when etiquette and manners were of the utmost importance. I believe that dress, fine dining and poetry are a great way to express our love to the ones that we are closest too. It is a shame that a lot of these customs have been traded in for a completely casual lifestyle, with fast food, fast relationships and everything with the word fast on the end of it advocated as the new God.
I would love to make gong fu cha for my husband and wear han fu for him. One day maybe my dream will come true, who knows..
Here is an icon of beauty for you to enjoy. I dedicate this to my Lover, my Jia Wu, across the ocean.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love Hanfu, I am thinking of buying one for mardi gras, but the problem is I don't like to buy things online and I can't find shops that sell them that are not from the internet!